शिवपुरी राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्जभित्र एक महिला र पुरुषको शव फेला परेको छ ।
निकुञ्जको द्वारपासे जंगलभित्र गागलफेदी घर भएका ४० वर्षीय केशमान लामा र
उनकी बुहारी ३० वर्षीया सन्नी भन्ने क्याम्पा राई लामालाई मृत भेटिएको हो ।
प्रहरीका अनुसार उनीहरूले विष सेवन गरेर आत्माहत्या गरेको हुन सक्ने
अनुमान छ । केशमानकी श्रीमती अर्कैसँग पोइल गएको र क्याम्पाका श्रीमान्
वैदेशिक रोजगारीका लागि विदेशमा थिए । ससुरा-बुहारी वैशाख ७ गतेदेखि
सम्पर्कविहीन रहेको स्थानीयले बताएका छन्
नयाँ संविधान जारी हुने समय नजिकिंदै गर्दा बन्द र प्रदर्शन बढेको छ ।
यस्तोमा विद्यलाय चलाउने- नचलाउने सञ्चालक तथा प्रधानाध्यापक दोधारमा छन् ।
शिक्षा मन्त्रालयले चलाउन निर्देशन दिएको छ । विद्यालयहरूले भने जाडो र
गर्मी विबदा कटौती गर्नेगरी विद्यालय बिदा गर्न थालेका छन् ।
शिक्षा मन्त्रालयले भने बन्दका लागि कुनै निर्देशन दिएको छैन । राजधानीका अधिकांश सामुदायिक विद्यालय बन्द भएका छन् भने निजी विद्यालयसमेत त्यसलाई पच्छ्याएका छन् । 'नयाँ संविधानप्रति राष्ट्रिय चासो बढिरहेकाले विद्यालय चलाउने स्थिति छैन', शिक्षा मन्त्रालयका प्रवक्ता जनार्दन नेपालले भने, 'तर, पनि प्राविधिक रूपमा मन्त्रालयलाई बिदा घोषणा गर्न गाह्रो परेको छ । विद्यालय आफैले वर्षे बिदा काटिने गरी छुट्टी गरेका छन् ।' शैक्षिक तालिकाअनुसार वाषिर्क २ सय २० दिन पठनपाठन गर्नुपर्छ । त्यसमा गर्मी र जाडो गरी दुई महिना बिदा रहन्छ ।
शिक्षकले बिदाको आशा गरिरहेका बेला शिक्षा विभागले भने शुक्रबार विज्ञप्ति जारी गर्दै विद्यालय सुचारु राख्न भनेको छ । 'सरकारले विद्यालयलाई शान्ति क्षेत्र घोषण गरेको छ', 'सामाजिक शान्तिका लागि विद्यालय शान्ति र शैक्षिक शान्ति जरुरी रहेको उल्लेख गर्दै विज्ञप्तिमा भनेको छ, 'कुनै पनि कार्यक्रमबाट विद्यालयको पठनपाठनको वातावरणमा असर नपुर्याउन र निर्बाध रूपमा शिक्षालयहरू सञ्चालनको सुनिश्चित वातावरण सिर्जना गरी बालबालिकाको पठन पाठनमा सहयोग पुर्याउन सम्बद्ध सबैबाट रचनात्मक सहयोगका लागि हार्दिक अपिल गरिन्छ ।'
आफ्नै तालिकाअनुसार सञ्चालित निजी विद्यालयका सञ्चालकसमेत अन्योलमा छन् । कतिपयले आकस्मिक बिदा दिने गरेको छन् भने अभिभावक अन्योलमा छन् । निजी तथा आवासीय विद्यालय अर्गनाइजेसन -प्याब्सन) का अध्यक्ष बाबुराम पोखरेलले पठनपाठन गर्ने/नगर्ने निर्णय प्याब्सन जिल्लाले गर्ने जनाए ।
शिक्षा मन्त्रालयले भने बन्दका लागि कुनै निर्देशन दिएको छैन । राजधानीका अधिकांश सामुदायिक विद्यालय बन्द भएका छन् भने निजी विद्यालयसमेत त्यसलाई पच्छ्याएका छन् । 'नयाँ संविधानप्रति राष्ट्रिय चासो बढिरहेकाले विद्यालय चलाउने स्थिति छैन', शिक्षा मन्त्रालयका प्रवक्ता जनार्दन नेपालले भने, 'तर, पनि प्राविधिक रूपमा मन्त्रालयलाई बिदा घोषणा गर्न गाह्रो परेको छ । विद्यालय आफैले वर्षे बिदा काटिने गरी छुट्टी गरेका छन् ।' शैक्षिक तालिकाअनुसार वाषिर्क २ सय २० दिन पठनपाठन गर्नुपर्छ । त्यसमा गर्मी र जाडो गरी दुई महिना बिदा रहन्छ ।
शिक्षकले बिदाको आशा गरिरहेका बेला शिक्षा विभागले भने शुक्रबार विज्ञप्ति जारी गर्दै विद्यालय सुचारु राख्न भनेको छ । 'सरकारले विद्यालयलाई शान्ति क्षेत्र घोषण गरेको छ', 'सामाजिक शान्तिका लागि विद्यालय शान्ति र शैक्षिक शान्ति जरुरी रहेको उल्लेख गर्दै विज्ञप्तिमा भनेको छ, 'कुनै पनि कार्यक्रमबाट विद्यालयको पठनपाठनको वातावरणमा असर नपुर्याउन र निर्बाध रूपमा शिक्षालयहरू सञ्चालनको सुनिश्चित वातावरण सिर्जना गरी बालबालिकाको पठन पाठनमा सहयोग पुर्याउन सम्बद्ध सबैबाट रचनात्मक सहयोगका लागि हार्दिक अपिल गरिन्छ ।'
आफ्नै तालिकाअनुसार सञ्चालित निजी विद्यालयका सञ्चालकसमेत अन्योलमा छन् । कतिपयले आकस्मिक बिदा दिने गरेको छन् भने अभिभावक अन्योलमा छन् । निजी तथा आवासीय विद्यालय अर्गनाइजेसन -प्याब्सन) का अध्यक्ष बाबुराम पोखरेलले पठनपाठन गर्ने/नगर्ने निर्णय प्याब्सन जिल्लाले गर्ने जनाए ।
जेठ १४ वा त्यसअघि नै संविधान जारी भयो भने न्यायालयमा एउटा नौलो अड्डा
थपिनेछ, संवैधानिक अदालत । जसले जतिसुकै विरोध गरे पनि त्यो राख्नमा शीर्ष
दलका नेता सहमत भइसकेका छन् ।
'लेनदेन' को सौदाबाजीमा ५ वर्षका लागि यो अदालत राख्न दलको मुख मिले पनि सिंगो न्याय वृत्त भने यसको पक्ष र विपक्षमा विभाजित छ । प्र्रधानन्यायाधीश, न्यायाधीश र तल्ला अदालतका न्यायाधीश यो राख्न नहुने ठान्छन् । गत वैशाख २६ गते कानुन दिवसका दिन प्रधानन्यायाधीश खिलराज रेग्मीले न्यायपालिकालाई प्रयोगको थलो नबनाउन आग्रहसमेत गरे ।
त्यसको केहीपछि भावी प्रधानन्यायाधीशको रोलक्रममा रहेका रामकुमारप्रसाद साहले पनि संवैधानिक अदालतको विरोध गरे । नेताहरू युरोपेली नियोगको पैसामा युरोप घुमेको परिणाम संवैधानिक अदालत हो भन्ने उनको आरोपको राजनीतिक वृत्तबाट कुनै प्रतिवाद पनि भएन । यता कानुन व्यवसायीको छाता संगठन नेपाल बार एसोसिएसनको नेतृत्व पनि संवैधानिक अदालतका विपक्षमा बोल्दै आएको छ ।
'हाम्रो देशमा यो अदालतको कुनै कामै छैन,' बारका महासचिव विजयप्रसाद मिश्र भन्छन्, 'यसले झन्झट मात्रै बढाउँछ ।' उनका विचारमा संवैधानिक अदालतले सर्वाेच्च अदालतसँग टकराव बढाउँछ, राज्यको दोहोरो खर्च गराउँछ र न्यायालयको स्वतन्त्रता खत्तम पार्छ ।
प्रस्तावित संवैधानिक अदालतमा ५ न्यायाधीशको इजलास हुने भनिएको छ । त्यसको अध्यक्षता प्रधानन्यायाधीशले गर्नेछन्, दुई न्यायाधीश सर्वाेच्चबाट लगिनेछ र दुईचाहिँ कानुनका ज्ञातालाई सरकारले नियुक्त गर्नेछ । मिश्रका अनुसार खतरा यहीँनिर छ ।
'कानुनका ज्ञाता राख्ने नाममा सरकारले आफूअनुकूलको मान्छे भर्ती गर्ने सम्भावना छ,' उनी भन्छन्, 'यसले स्वतन्त्र अदालतको आत्मालाई मार्ने काम गर्छ ।' संवैधानिक अदालतका पक्षधरचाहिँ विपक्षीहरूको तर्कमा दम देख्दैनन् ।
'संघीय नेपालमा प्रान्त-प्रान्त र केन्द्र तथा प्रान्तबीच अनेक विवाद आउने छन्,' संविधानविद् पूर्णमान शाक्य भन्छन्, 'सर्वाेच्च अदालतको संरचनाले त्यो हेर्दा धेरै समय लाग्छ, छुट्टै अदालत हुँदा विवादको टंुगो छिट्टै हुन्छ ।' सन् १९९० को दशकपछि विश्वमा जुनै देशमा बनेको संविधानमा पनि संवैधानिक अदालतको व्यवस्था हुने गरेको शाक्यले बताए ।
'संवैधानिक अदालत आधुनिक समयको प्रचलन हो,' शाक्य भन्छन्, 'यसको आवश्यकता भएरै विश्वमा प्रचलन बढेको हो ।' अधिवक्ता चन्द्रकान्त ज्ञवालीका विचारमा पनि संवैधानिक अदालत संघीय नेपालका लागि आवश्यक संरचना हो ।
'तर पाँच वर्षका लागि मात्रै राख्ने सहमतिचाहिँ आफैंमा त्रुटिपूर्ण छ,' उनी भन्छन्, 'यति समय त देशलाई संघीय स्वरूप लिनमै लाग्छ । संवैधानिक अदालत सधैका लागि राखिनुपर्छ ।'
'लेनदेन' को सौदाबाजीमा ५ वर्षका लागि यो अदालत राख्न दलको मुख मिले पनि सिंगो न्याय वृत्त भने यसको पक्ष र विपक्षमा विभाजित छ । प्र्रधानन्यायाधीश, न्यायाधीश र तल्ला अदालतका न्यायाधीश यो राख्न नहुने ठान्छन् । गत वैशाख २६ गते कानुन दिवसका दिन प्रधानन्यायाधीश खिलराज रेग्मीले न्यायपालिकालाई प्रयोगको थलो नबनाउन आग्रहसमेत गरे ।
त्यसको केहीपछि भावी प्रधानन्यायाधीशको रोलक्रममा रहेका रामकुमारप्रसाद साहले पनि संवैधानिक अदालतको विरोध गरे । नेताहरू युरोपेली नियोगको पैसामा युरोप घुमेको परिणाम संवैधानिक अदालत हो भन्ने उनको आरोपको राजनीतिक वृत्तबाट कुनै प्रतिवाद पनि भएन । यता कानुन व्यवसायीको छाता संगठन नेपाल बार एसोसिएसनको नेतृत्व पनि संवैधानिक अदालतका विपक्षमा बोल्दै आएको छ ।
'हाम्रो देशमा यो अदालतको कुनै कामै छैन,' बारका महासचिव विजयप्रसाद मिश्र भन्छन्, 'यसले झन्झट मात्रै बढाउँछ ।' उनका विचारमा संवैधानिक अदालतले सर्वाेच्च अदालतसँग टकराव बढाउँछ, राज्यको दोहोरो खर्च गराउँछ र न्यायालयको स्वतन्त्रता खत्तम पार्छ ।
प्रस्तावित संवैधानिक अदालतमा ५ न्यायाधीशको इजलास हुने भनिएको छ । त्यसको अध्यक्षता प्रधानन्यायाधीशले गर्नेछन्, दुई न्यायाधीश सर्वाेच्चबाट लगिनेछ र दुईचाहिँ कानुनका ज्ञातालाई सरकारले नियुक्त गर्नेछ । मिश्रका अनुसार खतरा यहीँनिर छ ।
'कानुनका ज्ञाता राख्ने नाममा सरकारले आफूअनुकूलको मान्छे भर्ती गर्ने सम्भावना छ,' उनी भन्छन्, 'यसले स्वतन्त्र अदालतको आत्मालाई मार्ने काम गर्छ ।' संवैधानिक अदालतका पक्षधरचाहिँ विपक्षीहरूको तर्कमा दम देख्दैनन् ।
'संघीय नेपालमा प्रान्त-प्रान्त र केन्द्र तथा प्रान्तबीच अनेक विवाद आउने छन्,' संविधानविद् पूर्णमान शाक्य भन्छन्, 'सर्वाेच्च अदालतको संरचनाले त्यो हेर्दा धेरै समय लाग्छ, छुट्टै अदालत हुँदा विवादको टंुगो छिट्टै हुन्छ ।' सन् १९९० को दशकपछि विश्वमा जुनै देशमा बनेको संविधानमा पनि संवैधानिक अदालतको व्यवस्था हुने गरेको शाक्यले बताए ।
'संवैधानिक अदालत आधुनिक समयको प्रचलन हो,' शाक्य भन्छन्, 'यसको आवश्यकता भएरै विश्वमा प्रचलन बढेको हो ।' अधिवक्ता चन्द्रकान्त ज्ञवालीका विचारमा पनि संवैधानिक अदालत संघीय नेपालका लागि आवश्यक संरचना हो ।
'तर पाँच वर्षका लागि मात्रै राख्ने सहमतिचाहिँ आफैंमा त्रुटिपूर्ण छ,' उनी भन्छन्, 'यति समय त देशलाई संघीय स्वरूप लिनमै लाग्छ । संवैधानिक अदालत सधैका लागि राखिनुपर्छ ।'
नयाँ सविधान जारी गर्ने समय नजिकिंदै
गर्दा सुरक्षा संवेदनशीलतालाई दृष्टिगत गरी काठमाडौँ महानगरपालिकाभित्रका
१२ स्थानमा निषेधित घोषणा गरिएको छ ।
काठमाडौँ जिल्लाका प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारी
रत्नराज पाण्डेद्वारा जारी निषेधित क्षेत्रको आदेश शनिबारबाट लागू हुनेछ ।
राष्ट्रपति कार्यायलको परिसरको प्रवेशद्वारको उत्तर दक्षिण ५० मिटर,
उपराष्ट्रपतिको कार्यालयको परिसर अगाडि, प्रधानमन्त्रीको निवास क्षेत्र
बालुवाटार, भद्रकाली मन्दिर रिपुमर्दन पेट्रोलपम्प अगाडिसम्म तथा माइतीघर
मण्डलादेखि सिंहदरबार दक्षिण ढोका हुँदै हुनमानस्थानसम्म धर्ना, जुलुस र
सभा गर्न पाइने छैन ।
त्यसैगरी संविधानसभा भवनको पश्चिम ढोकाबाट
नयाँ बानेश्वरचोकसम्म, माइतीघर मण्डलादेखि पद्मोदय स्कूलको मोडसम्म, नयाँ
बानेश्वरचोकदेखि होटल एभरेष्ट पश्चिमतर्फ ७५ मिटरसम्म, नयाँ
बानेश्वरचोकदेखि अरनिको राजमार्ग हुँदै संविधानसभा भवनको दक्षिण पर्खालको
अन्तिमविन्दु सम्मको राजमार्गको दायँ बायाँ दुवै किनारासम्म, नयाँ
बानेश्वरचोकदेखि शंखमूल जाने सडकतर्फ ५० मिटरसम्मको इलाकालाई पनि निषेधित
क्षेत्र घोषणा गरिएको काठमाडौँ जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयद्वारा जारी आदेशमा
जनाइएको छ ।
त्यसैगरी नयाँ बानेश्वरचोकबाट संविधानसभा
भवनको पश्चिमबाटो हुँदै पश्चिम पर्खालको अन्तिम विन्दुसम्मको सडकको
दायाबायाँ किनारा र संविधानसभा भवनको ३ नं. ढोकाबाट थापागाउँतर्फ आउने
बाटोको अनमोल क्याटरिङको ढोकासम्म भाग पनि निषेधित क्षेत्रमा परेका छन् ।
प्रधानमन्त्री डा. बाबुराम भट्टराईले मन्त्रीहरुको जिम्मेबारी तोक्नु भएको छ ।
दलहरुबीच मन्त्रालय बाँडफाँडबारे भएको
सहमति अनुसार प्रधानमन्त्रीले मन्त्रीहरुको जिम्मेबारी बाँडफाँड गर्नु भएको
हो । जस अनुसार विजयुकुमार गच्छदारले उपप्रधान तथा गृह, कृष्ण सिटौलाले
उपप्रधान तथा रक्षा र कानुन र इश्वर पोखरेलले उपप्रधान तथा परराष्ट्र, कृषि
र युवा तथा खेलकुद मन्त्रालय मन्त्रालयको जिम्मेबारी पाउनु भएको छ ।
उपप्रधानमन्त्री नारायणकाजी श्रेष्ठ प्रकाशको भने मन्त्रालय तोकिएको छैन ।
यस्तै पोष्टबहादुर बोगटीलाई नागरिक
उड्ययन, वर्षमान पुन अनन्तलाई अर्थ, टोपबहादुर रायमाझीले शान्ति, दिनानाथ
शर्मालाई शिक्षा मन्त्रालयको जिम्मेबारी दिइएको छ । यस्तै राधा ज्ञवालीलाई
उर्जा तथा सूर्यमान गुरुङलाई स्थानीय विकास र सामान्य प्रशासन मन्त्रालयको
जिम्मेबारी दिइएको छ भने चन्द्रदेव जोशीलाई भूमिसुधार, एकनाथ ढकाललाई
सहकारी तथा गरीबी निवारण र केशवमान शाक्यलाई विज्ञान प्रविधी मन्त्रालयको
जिम्मेबारी दिइएको छ ।
यसैबीच शुक्रबार हुने भनिएको
मन्त्रिपरिषद् विस्तार शनिबारलाई सरेको छ । प्रधानमन्त्री डा. बाबुराम
भट्टराईसहितका शीर्ष नेताहरुको व्यस्तताका कारण विस्तार रोकिएको
प्रधानमन्त्रीको निजी सचिवालयले जनाएको छ ।
प्रधानमन्त्रीले मालेका कृष्ण बेलबासे,
माले समाजवादीका यदुवंश झा र चुरे भावर एकता पार्टी बन्द्री न्यौपानेलाई
सरकारमा सहभागी गराएर मन्त्रिपरिष्द विस्तारको तयारी गर्नु छ ।
प्रधानमन्त्री डा. भट्टराईले मंगलबार मात्र एमालेसहितका दललाई सरकारमा
सामेल गरेर मन्त्रिपरिषद् विस्तार गर्नु भएको थियो । २० सदस्यीय
मन्त्रिपरिषद्मा ४ उपप्रधानमन्त्री छन् ।
मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरम गणतान्त्रिकका
सभासदहरुबीच कुटाकुट भएको छ । सभासद सुरिताकुमारी साहले अर्का सभासद एकबाल
अहमद साहलाई थप्पड हानेका हुन् ।
११ प्रदेश बनाउने प्रमुख दलहरुको
सहमतिविरुद्ध हस्ताक्षर संकलन गरेका सभासद एकबालले पार्टी सभासद साहलाई पनि
हस्ताक्षर गर्न भनेपछि विवाद सुरु भएको थियो । ‘मैले उहाँलाई हस्ताक्षर
गर्नु भनेको मान्नु भएन र अरुलाई पनि डिस्टर्ब गर्नुभयो’ सभासद एकबालले
अनलाइनखबरसँग भने-’मैले तपाई नगर्नुहोस तर, अरुलाई डिस्टर्ब नगर्नुस भनेर
हप्प्ताएको हुँ ।’
उनले संसद बैठक सकिएलगतै सुरिताले चिच्याउँदै आफूमाथि हात उज्याएको बताए ।
नेपाली कांग्रेसका नेता अर्जुननरसिंह केसीले माओवादी फेरि संविधान नबनाउने षड्यन्त्रमा लागेको आरोप लगाउनु भएको छ ।
नुवाकोटको समुन्द्रादेवीमा आयोजित
कार्यकर्ता भेटघाट कार्यक्रममा नेता केसीले अहिले माओवादी नेतृत्वले
दलहरुबीचको सहमतिको अपव्याख्या गर्न थालेको भन्दै काँग्रेस सहमतिबाट एक
इन्च पनिपछि नहट्ने बताउनु भयो ।
पार्टीभित्र चरम असन्तुष्टि हुँदाहुँदै
पनि काँगे्रस सम्झौता गरेको भन्दै उहाँले सहमति गरेर कार्यान्वयन नगर्ने
माओवादी प्रवित्ति दोहोरिएका कारण संविधान निर्माणमा विश्वसनीय आधार समाप्त
हुन थालेको बताउनुभयो । सहमतिको विश्वासिलो वातावरण निर्माणका लागि
बाबुराम भट्टराई नेतृत्वको सरकारलाई राष्ट्रिय सहमतिको स्वरुप दिएपनि सहमति
अनुसार कांग्रेस नेतृत्वको सरकाले मात्र संविधान जारी गर्नसक्ने उहाँले
बताउनुभयो ।
The friendship between actress Jiya KC and Sabina Karki is a history
now. Though they are starred together in 'Any Time Money' (ATM), they
are in no-talking terms, of late. They will be hardly seen together on
and off screen from now on.
A kiss scene in ATM brought a fissure in the friendship. The duo along with Soniya Sharma had a kiss scene with actor Dinesh Thapa in the film. Fumed over a long kiss scene between Sabina and Dinesh, Jiya had expressed her unhappiness. Jiya and Sabina even created a scene over a dress.
What is more hilarious is, Sabina was offered the role through Jiya. 'We were a good friend. She even brought showed me way to industry but we are in no talking terms now,' Sabina said.
Sabina clarified her relationship with Jiya soured not due to kiss but it is an ego clash. She accused that Jiya refused to receive her calls despite repeated efforts.
A kiss scene in ATM brought a fissure in the friendship. The duo along with Soniya Sharma had a kiss scene with actor Dinesh Thapa in the film. Fumed over a long kiss scene between Sabina and Dinesh, Jiya had expressed her unhappiness. Jiya and Sabina even created a scene over a dress.
What is more hilarious is, Sabina was offered the role through Jiya. 'We were a good friend. She even brought showed me way to industry but we are in no talking terms now,' Sabina said.
Sabina clarified her relationship with Jiya soured not due to kiss but it is an ego clash. She accused that Jiya refused to receive her calls despite repeated efforts.
A film based on 3D technology is set make its first appearance in Nepal
through 'Vigilante'. Young director Dipendra K Khanal is launching his
fourth venture in 3D technology after a great success of 'Chapali
Height'. Khanal is producer and director of the film.
Khanal will invest around 20 lakh for just cameras and softwares with Rs 7 lakh in post-production. Khanal is planning to invest Rs 1 crore for the film. He said he had sought the programs from abroad and will begin shooting once it arrives.
The film portrays character of the urban life, Khanal said. 'The film portrays the urban problem,' he said. Subas Thapa, Raj Ghimire, Harshika Shrestha have been roped in for the film while the director is in search of female character.
Khanal said that audience will be enjoying a different taste through film but feared that his film will be only released on QFX and multiplex theatres not normal ones. 'We have not decided that either theatre owners or our self will resolve this issue,' Khanal added.
Khanal will invest around 20 lakh for just cameras and softwares with Rs 7 lakh in post-production. Khanal is planning to invest Rs 1 crore for the film. He said he had sought the programs from abroad and will begin shooting once it arrives.
The film portrays character of the urban life, Khanal said. 'The film portrays the urban problem,' he said. Subas Thapa, Raj Ghimire, Harshika Shrestha have been roped in for the film while the director is in search of female character.
Khanal said that audience will be enjoying a different taste through film but feared that his film will be only released on QFX and multiplex theatres not normal ones. 'We have not decided that either theatre owners or our self will resolve this issue,' Khanal added.
'Bindaas' began shooting after an inaugural ceremony at Film
Development Company, Balaju on Monday morning. The film stars Sushma
Karki who came to limelight after a super-hit number 'Udhreko Choli' in
film 'Loot'.
Sushma will be seen as a carefree girl in the film directed by Raju Giri where she has been paid Rs 3 lakh.
Sushil Karki is debuting through the film while Ashok Phuyal who has already starred in 'Drabya' and 'Dil Maya' will be seen in the film.
The film contains plenty number of bed and kiss scenes. Sushma was comfortable with any of the scenes, director Giri informed. However, he did not elaborate about scenes.
Sushma will be seen as a carefree girl in the film directed by Raju Giri where she has been paid Rs 3 lakh.
Sushil Karki is debuting through the film while Ashok Phuyal who has already starred in 'Drabya' and 'Dil Maya' will be seen in the film.
The film contains plenty number of bed and kiss scenes. Sushma was comfortable with any of the scenes, director Giri informed. However, he did not elaborate about scenes.
Nepali film 'Highway' will be screened in eight different cities of Australia, a rare chance for a Nepali film. 'Highway' portrays the difficulties of people while traveling via roads during strikes.
The film that is set to release on Asar 1 in Nepal purchased the rights to screen in Australia by Solangchar company. As per the agreement, producer will be liable of 20 percent if the film crosses the gross collection of Rs 16 lakh.
'Highway' will be screened in Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Durbin and Adelaide cities of Australia.
Earlier, the film was screened in Berlin Film Festival.
He is getting rave reviews for his debut film Ishaqzaade, but Arjun Kapoor says he doesn't know yet what's next on his platter.
"Nothing has been finalised yet. I have met Shimit Amin socially. If anything comes up they (YRF) will make an official announcement," said Arjun who is under contract with Yash Raj Films (YRF).
In Ishaqzaade, Arjun paired opposite Parineeti Chopra, who was launched with YRF's Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl last year.
According to rumours, the duo have signed other films together too. But Arjun tells a different story.
"We have not signed anything after Ishaqzaade. All are rumours. We are not doing Pradeep Sarkar's film. We both are under contract (with YRF), so we are working with this company. Now what they have finalised, I don't know," he added.
"Nothing has been finalised yet. I have met Shimit Amin socially. If anything comes up they (YRF) will make an official announcement," said Arjun who is under contract with Yash Raj Films (YRF).
In Ishaqzaade, Arjun paired opposite Parineeti Chopra, who was launched with YRF's Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl last year.
According to rumours, the duo have signed other films together too. But Arjun tells a different story.
"We have not signed anything after Ishaqzaade. All are rumours. We are not doing Pradeep Sarkar's film. We both are under contract (with YRF), so we are working with this company. Now what they have finalised, I don't know," he added.

- lara dutta a recently-held press conference
It's been just six months since Aishwarya rai Bachchan gave birth to a baby girl. Ever since patriarch amitab bachchan announced her pregnancy, to this day, Aishwarya has been at the receiving end of verbal remarks. And in most cases, it's been malicious. While the lady who is a regular at Cannes, is going about her business fulfilling her work-related commitments by visiting the French Riviera this year too, our self-styled 'fashionistas' have gone on a rampage, passing nasty comments on her weight gain.
Of late, our celeb-obsessed nation, has taken upon itself to make sure our stars 'represent our country' in the best 'fashion' possible. So, Ash's subsequent failure to shed weight post childbirth has not been taken too kindly. Apart from comments on social networking sites, one video, which has been viewed more than 50,000 times, shows before and after pictures of Ash accompanied by the sound of an elephant trumpeting.
Weight and watch
While artists like MF Hussain have successfully captured the ephemeral beauty and timeless grace of Indian women on canvas, Western cultural influences have ensured that the miracle of a newborn has been eclipsed by the miracle of getting back into your skinny jeans.
Former Mrs India turned fashion designer, Shilpa Reddy, is of the view that the inability to shed postpartum baby fat today has become a social taboo. "The comments on Ash are absolutely nasty and demeaning. It has become mandatory for women in showbiz these days to shed postpartum weight. It is unnatural." Not so long ago, Shilpa turned heads when she made public appearances looking gorgeous, months after the birth of her son. "I have always been into fitness and I'm genetically blessed. I don't put on too much weight. Shedding those extra kilos was not difficult for me. Every woman reacts differently to childbirth - some lose weight easily, others don't. But losing weight is the last thing on a mother's mind. All she cares about is the wellbeing of her child. Ditto with Ash. Give her some time, she'll bounce back. Till then, let her enjoy motherhood," says Reddy.
Curse of the double chin
For women in showbiz, there is intense pressure to stay gorgeous round the clock. One may not be talked about for their talent, but comments on looks are a sure shot. Designer Asmita marwa, mother to a teen, voices a similar opinion. "I think everyone expects a little too much from Ash. She is human after all. The whole concept of 'Yummy Mummy' is a western phenomenon. It's not Indian or natural," opines the designer. Recalling instances where her work took a backseat and her looks gained precedence, Asmita says, "There have been so many times when people meet my son and then forget to discuss my work. All they ask me is how do I manage to look the way I do, despite being a mom to a teen. My work completely takes a backseat. It's very shallow," she remarks.

The film, which begins later this year, is an action film and Huma begins training for the film sometime in July. Right now the actress is looking forward to attend the Cannes Film Festival where Gangs Of Wasseypur is being screened.

In fact the MCA which had lodged a police complaint against Khan on Thursday, have since decided to ban the actor from the stadium. In a unanimous decision reached by the MCA, the Kolkata Knight Riders co-owner, Shah Rukh Khan has been banned for a period of five years from entering the Wankhede Stadium. However,
नायक आर्यन सिग्देल र नवनायिका दिप्ती गिरी अभिनित फिल्म 'के म तिम्रो
साथी बन्न सक्छु' को कतारमा बिशेष प्रदर्शनी गरियो । फिल्मीखबर डटकम र
पिएनपी मिडियाको संयुक्त आयोजनामा शुक्रबार दिउँसो कतारको दोहा स्थित गल्फ
सिनेमा हलमा फिल्मको शो गरिएको हो ।

सबिर श्रेष्ठले निर्देशन गरेको सो फिल्मलाई कतारमा रहेका नेपाली दर्शकहरूले निकै रूचाए । उपस्थित दर्शकहरूले फिल्मको कथाबस्तु, प्रस्तुती, गीतसंगीत तथा भिडियो क्वालिटी निकै राम्रो भएको बताए । नवनायिका दिप्तीको अभिनयको अधिकांशले प्रशंशा पनि गरे । कृषा चौलागाईंले निर्माण गरेको प्रेमकथामा आधारित सो फिल्मले नेपालमा व्यवसायिक सफलता हात पार्नेमा दुई मत नरहेको दर्शकको भनाई थियो । यो फिल्म यसअघि मलेशिया र इजरायलमा प्रदर्शन भईसकेको छ भने नेपालमा प्रदर्शनको तयारीमा छ ।
फिल्ममा आर्यन र दिप्तीको साथमा सन्दिप सापकोटा, शिशिर राणा, दिनेश डिसी,
कमला रेग्मी, धिरेन शाक्य, दिनेश थापा लगायतको सशक्त अभिनय रहेको छ । शिब
ढकालको छायाँकन, समन अधिकारी र कविराज गहतराजको नृत्य, दिनेश सुनामको
संगीत, प्रमोद ढुंगानाको गीत रहेको उक्त फिल्मको कथा शिबम अधिकारीले लेखेका
हुन् ।
बन्दको चपेटामा पर्दै शुक्रबारबाट एमएस अग्रज निर्देशित फिल्म
'मार्यो नि मायाले मार्यो' राजधानीका १५ वटा जति हलमा रिलिज हुने भएको छ ।
एक बर्ष अघि मोफसलबाट प्रदर्शनमा आएको सो फिल्मले लगातारको बन्दमा पनि
आफ्नो रिलिज यात्रा तय गरेको हो ।
स्वच्छन्द भैरब फिल्म्सको व्यानरमा बाबु बलामीले निर्माण गरेको सो फिल्ममा
राजेश हमाल, शोभिता सिम्खडा, प्रमोद खड्का, हिमाल काफ्ले, गीता अधिकारी,
शिवानी बलामी लगायतको अभिनय रहेको छ । राजनीति, सामाजिक संरचना एवं माया
प्रेमका कथामा आधारित रहेर निर्माण गरिएको फिल्ममा सुरेश चौधरीको नृत्य,
मनोहर सुनामको संगीत, सौरभ लामाको छायांकन र बीएस बलामीको द्वन्द्व
निर्देशन रहेको छ ।
केहि साता अगाडी प्रदर्शन भएको फिल्म 'भैहाल्छ नी' का निर्देशक अग्रजको यो
डेब्यू फिल्म हो । उनले निर्देशन गरेको अर्को फिल्म 'दबदबा' पनि रिलिजको
क्रममा छ ।
Tourism entrepreneurs have said continuous strike in the country has
made a great loss in the tourism industry and increased the possibility
of Nepal being an unsafe destination.
At a programe organised by the Media International here today, speakers said that political leaders have violated the previous commitment of not launching strikes and demanded that the government and bandh enforcers make arrangements for tourists to reach their destinations during the bandh.
Chairman of the Nepal Rafting Association, Nanikaji Thapa said that the bandh will cause a loss of Rs. 2.5 million in rafting sector each day.
Thapa added that they had to postpone a Rafting Festival to be organised at Trishuli river on Saturday due to the bandh and complained that it has hampered their industry.
Chairman of the Nepal National Tourism Entrepreneurs’ Association, Chandra Rijal said that a situation of collapse of overall economic sector of the country has come due to the strikes.
According to a statistics of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), Nepal received 17 per cent foreign exchange from tourism sector.
At a programe organised by the Media International here today, speakers said that political leaders have violated the previous commitment of not launching strikes and demanded that the government and bandh enforcers make arrangements for tourists to reach their destinations during the bandh.
Chairman of the Nepal Rafting Association, Nanikaji Thapa said that the bandh will cause a loss of Rs. 2.5 million in rafting sector each day.
Thapa added that they had to postpone a Rafting Festival to be organised at Trishuli river on Saturday due to the bandh and complained that it has hampered their industry.
Chairman of the Nepal National Tourism Entrepreneurs’ Association, Chandra Rijal said that a situation of collapse of overall economic sector of the country has come due to the strikes.
According to a statistics of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), Nepal received 17 per cent foreign exchange from tourism sector.
Rabi Khadka clinched the Ghanashyam Open golf title, finishing four
strokes above Umesh Nagarkoti after both the RNGC professionals returned
matching cards of two-under 70 in the fourth round at the Tribhuvan
Army Officers Golf Club on Thursday.
Khadka finished with a total of five-under 283 in the tournament for his third career win, after earlier victories in the 2009-10 season of Surya Nepal Golf Tour.
Deepak Thapamagar, who went two over-par 74 on the final day, finished third with the score of one-over 289. The top three pros in the third edition of the Surya Nepal Golf Tour 2012-13 pocketed Rs 55,000, Rs 37,000 and Rs 27,000 respectively. Chief of the Army Staff Chhatra Man Singh Gurung, Gen Gaurav SJB Rana and Nepal PGA Advisor and sponsor of the tournament Ghanashyam Thapa handed over the prizes to the winners.
Nepal No 1 Shiva Ram Shrestha finished fourth at four-over 292 after his final round score of one-under 71. He pocketed Rs 22.000. Surya Prasad Sharma, who completed the final round on four-over 76, was fifth at 293. Tashi Tsering stood out among the amateurs, finishing on top with a score of 295 for four rounds. He was 15 shots ahead of his closest rival Dinesh Prajapati, who played 73 today for a total of 310. Ashish Pariyar completed the podium with a score of 314.
Khadka finished with a total of five-under 283 in the tournament for his third career win, after earlier victories in the 2009-10 season of Surya Nepal Golf Tour.
Deepak Thapamagar, who went two over-par 74 on the final day, finished third with the score of one-over 289. The top three pros in the third edition of the Surya Nepal Golf Tour 2012-13 pocketed Rs 55,000, Rs 37,000 and Rs 27,000 respectively. Chief of the Army Staff Chhatra Man Singh Gurung, Gen Gaurav SJB Rana and Nepal PGA Advisor and sponsor of the tournament Ghanashyam Thapa handed over the prizes to the winners.
Nepal No 1 Shiva Ram Shrestha finished fourth at four-over 292 after his final round score of one-under 71. He pocketed Rs 22.000. Surya Prasad Sharma, who completed the final round on four-over 76, was fifth at 293. Tashi Tsering stood out among the amateurs, finishing on top with a score of 295 for four rounds. He was 15 shots ahead of his closest rival Dinesh Prajapati, who played 73 today for a total of 310. Ashish Pariyar completed the podium with a score of 314.
Around 300 Janajati and Madhesi lawmakers belonging to the UCPN
(Maoist), Nepali Congress, CPN-UML, Madhes-based parties and smaller
parties in the Constituent Assembly have demanded that the country be
federated as suggested by the State Restructuring Commission majority or
the CA State Restructuring Committee.
The CA members on Friday launched a signature campaign to create
pressure for identity-based federalism. According to Sadbhawana Party
Co-chairman Laxman Lal Karna, both the Madhesi and Janjati lawmakers
would like to ensure a two-thirds support for settling contentious
issues of constitution-writing, especially to ensure identity-based
federation. "We are preparing to hand over the signatures to the Dispute
Resolution Subcommittee headed by Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Speaker Subas
Nembang," Karna said.
UML lawmaker Prithivi Subba Gurung, who heads the Adibasi Janajati caucus in parliament, said the country should be federated on the basis of either the 14-state model suggested by the CA's thematic committee or the 10-province model suggested by a majority of SRC members. "The federal set-up should ensure identity. And the issue of naming and delineation of states should be settled before constitution promulgation," he said.
According to Gurung, 192 lawmakers have signed the memorandum, which will be submitted to top political leaders and the CA chairman on Saturday.

UML lawmaker Prithivi Subba Gurung, who heads the Adibasi Janajati caucus in parliament, said the country should be federated on the basis of either the 14-state model suggested by the CA's thematic committee or the 10-province model suggested by a majority of SRC members. "The federal set-up should ensure identity. And the issue of naming and delineation of states should be settled before constitution promulgation," he said.
According to Gurung, 192 lawmakers have signed the memorandum, which will be submitted to top political leaders and the CA chairman on Saturday.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday summoned Indian Ambassador
to Nepal Jayanta Prasad over a controversial political statement made by
SD Mehta, the Consulate General of India in Birgunj. This is the first
time the government summoned an Indian diplomat after 2006.
In a cocktail party at Hotel Vishuwa in Birgunj on Wednesday evening, Mehta tried persuading leaders of the Nepali Congress, CPN-UML and the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum Nepal representing Parsa and Bara districts to take to the streets for the sake of Madhes and suggested them to kick up "a storm in the Madhes before May 27".
Foreign Secretary Durga Bhattarai summoned the Indian envoy at his chamber and sought clarification over Mehta's controversial statement. Prasad, along with Deputy Chief of Mission at the Indian Embassy Joy Deep Majumdar, was present during the call.
"Upon instructions, Foreign Secretary Bhattarai summoned Indian envoy
Prasad and expressed serious concerns and reservations over the
statement made by the Indian diplomat. We also made clear that those
controversial remarks and statements would harm the century-long warm
relations between Nepal and India," said MoFA Spokesperson Arjun Bahadur
During the meeting, Bhattarai, Thapa and Division Head, South Asia, Narayan Dev Panta were present from the Nepali side.
"The statement also undermined Nepal's territorial integrity, sovereignty and would pose a serious threat to Nepal's social harmony," the foreign secretary told the Indian diplomats. "The ill-timed statement could worsen the situation."
MoFA officials hoped the Indian side would also investigate the matter and act accordingly, the foreign secretary said. The Nepali side further informed the Indian side that it will also look into the statement and might issue a Persona Non Grata (PNG) if the statements attributed to him were established.
Sources told the Post that MoFA is conducting a probe in coordination with its own Birgunj-based Contact Office and the Ministry of Home Affairs and through the Chief District Officer of Parsa district.
Indian Ambassador Prasad claimed that their initial findings suggested that the news reports were misleading and incorrect. "We want to see Nepal a prosperous country and we have been saying time and again that Nepal's twin tasks, peace and constitution drafting processes, are totally Nepal-led."
The Indian envoy told the foreign secretary that he had already sought a clarification from Mehta and would take action against him if found guilty.
The Indian Embassy in Kathmandu claimed that "media reports attributing certain remarks to an official in the Consulate General of India, Birgunj, are misleading and factually incorrect."
Officials in New Delhi refuted the reports. "The media reports are misleading and factually incorrect. Such attributions seek to detract from the friendly relations between India and Nepal," said Spokesperson of Indian Ministry of External Affairs Syed Akbaruddin. "India remains committed to supporting the constitution making process for the establishment of a stable, democratic and prosperous Nepal."
In a cocktail party at Hotel Vishuwa in Birgunj on Wednesday evening, Mehta tried persuading leaders of the Nepali Congress, CPN-UML and the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum Nepal representing Parsa and Bara districts to take to the streets for the sake of Madhes and suggested them to kick up "a storm in the Madhes before May 27".
Foreign Secretary Durga Bhattarai summoned the Indian envoy at his chamber and sought clarification over Mehta's controversial statement. Prasad, along with Deputy Chief of Mission at the Indian Embassy Joy Deep Majumdar, was present during the call.

During the meeting, Bhattarai, Thapa and Division Head, South Asia, Narayan Dev Panta were present from the Nepali side.
"The statement also undermined Nepal's territorial integrity, sovereignty and would pose a serious threat to Nepal's social harmony," the foreign secretary told the Indian diplomats. "The ill-timed statement could worsen the situation."
MoFA officials hoped the Indian side would also investigate the matter and act accordingly, the foreign secretary said. The Nepali side further informed the Indian side that it will also look into the statement and might issue a Persona Non Grata (PNG) if the statements attributed to him were established.
Sources told the Post that MoFA is conducting a probe in coordination with its own Birgunj-based Contact Office and the Ministry of Home Affairs and through the Chief District Officer of Parsa district.
Indian Ambassador Prasad claimed that their initial findings suggested that the news reports were misleading and incorrect. "We want to see Nepal a prosperous country and we have been saying time and again that Nepal's twin tasks, peace and constitution drafting processes, are totally Nepal-led."
The Indian envoy told the foreign secretary that he had already sought a clarification from Mehta and would take action against him if found guilty.
The Indian Embassy in Kathmandu claimed that "media reports attributing certain remarks to an official in the Consulate General of India, Birgunj, are misleading and factually incorrect."
Officials in New Delhi refuted the reports. "The media reports are misleading and factually incorrect. Such attributions seek to detract from the friendly relations between India and Nepal," said Spokesperson of Indian Ministry of External Affairs Syed Akbaruddin. "India remains committed to supporting the constitution making process for the establishment of a stable, democratic and prosperous Nepal."